June 30, 2009

Rain Rain Go AWAY

Obviously I am playing catch up, but here is a pic of the rain we got about two weeks ago. The skies just opened up and poured on us

June 28, 2009

Summer Fun

Just hanging out at the house, the girls traced Spencer and Broc with the chalk, then they had a water balloon fight. Lets just say none of them have good aim or throw very hard!

Happy Father's Day

I am really late on this one. We had a great Fathers Day. Broc and I made Kris breakfast as fast as we could because of course we woke up late and our church is at 9. So we scarfed down some French Toast and off to church we went.
I had this big plan to surprise Kris with Rock Band for the Wii. Broc and I went to Game Stop on Saturday to get, he was so excited because he wanted to play the guitar. I kept telling him "You will get to play it, but remember this is a super big surprise for Daddy so dont tell him" He seemed to be okay with that because he never mentioned it again. At least while I wasn't around!!!! After we got home from getting it Kris was gone so we hid it by my sisters bed in the basement because I knew he wouldn't go in their room. Kris got home a short time later and I ran an errand and came home about an hour later. We then went to dinner with some Friends and while there Broc said he wanted to play the Wii, he starts naming off the games we have and then Kris says, "do you want to play the guitar Broc?" I look at him and said "WHAT DID YOU SAY??????" Of course Kris just smiled, the cat was out of the bag, apparently while I was gone Broc and Kris were working down stairs (still trying to get some things done on the basement) and Broc says to Kris "come here dad I have to show you a secret." Kris says "Broc that is Aunt Kristin's room we dont go in there when she is not here!" Broc: "no dad I really need to show you a secret it is just on the side of her bed." Then Broc proceeds to drag him by the arm to Krids room and lifts up her bedspread and shows him the box. Here I was thinking I was so cleaver hiding it in there because I knew he wouldn't go in there.
I guess Broc wont be doing any Christmas or birthday shopping with me this year since he cant keep his mouth shut! That is okay Kris said it was so funny the way he was trying to get him to go into Krids room so he could see his secret surprise.
We had a great time playing it and Broc likes to play the drums, I like to play the guitar and sing, the drums are hard for me, and Kris likes to play the drums and guitar . He of course is good at both!
We also went to both of our parents were we ate too much yummy food and visited with our Dads. We both have been blessed with wonderful Fathers who would do anything for us, both sets of our parents are the best!
And of course I have the most kind, loving and giving husband of all. He may not open my door for me anymore, but he would give me the world if he could, and he is the best Dad I could ever ask for for our son! Thanks Kris for standing by me this past year and holding my hand and making me a stronger person. I get so much of my strength from you and you make me want to be a better person inside and out. Thank you for being a great example for our son, for playing with him and providing for the both of us, for working hard so I can stay home with Broc.
I love you all the way to the moon.... and back!

Family Fun!

Apparently most of the schools around here handed out some little passes to the Family Fun Center. (I think that is what it is called) This "pass" lets kids go bowling two times a week for free. You do have to pay to rent the shoes but that is only a couple dollars. On this pass it also has a free round of minni golf (in the dark), lazer tag, and a free drink.
We totally took advantage of it. Since there was a new one that just recently opened in Syracuse we (Broc and Jadie) headed out there to meet Cami, Spencer, Ashli, her freind Courtney, Kristin, Herb, Gabbi, Jered, Taylor, and Matti. A lot of kids you think????
Before Krid got there we took advantage of the Lazor Tag thing, Cami and I were supposed to pay for ourselves but the nice lady let us do it for free! At first Broc was scared, because it was so dark, not to mention the poor pack thing was so heavy on his little back. But he soon got the hang of it and was running all over the place.

Finally we got a lane and away the kids went. We put the younger boys on one lane and the older girls on the next one. They all did really well. I was pretty impressed. I think the bowling on the Wii is paying off. I may have a professional bowler on my hands!

June 27, 2009

Wii Fit

I found out that I have great balance from the Wii fit. Last week I went to Cami's and played. I had a great time. I was being a Wii hog! Here is a pic of Cami doing the Hula Hoop. I know she is going to kill me for putting this on the blog but I thought it was so funny.

Then the boys played the Wii and as you can tell Broc got really into it.

June 25, 2009

Hair Loss; Hair Gain

I keep thinking, "Man it is taking forever for my hair to grow. " Then I look at pics and I am wrong.
Here are some pics for you to enjoy.

August 2008

November 2008
December 2008

Feburary 2009
April 2009
Currently, June 2009

June 8, 2009

So much going on

I have been such slacker about keeping up on my blog. Things have been really crazy. Here is a re-cap of the past two weeks.

May 27th

Spencer and Cami came over to play with us. Spencer brought over a bug catcher and the boys had so much fun finding bugs. Of course they were all dead, but hey that is okay. They also rode bikes, played on the skate board and played in the sand.

For Broc'sB-Day he got a slip N slide, we set that up and they couldn't quite figure out how to slide on their tummy. It was pretty funny to watch them, they would get a running start and just run down the slide, then slip at the very end or sit on their bums at the end. All in all they had a great time.

June 2nd

Broc went to a new dentist today. They were wonderful with him and he was very good. He wasnt scared at all. He loved it when they took his X-Rays and then when he went to sit in the chair he started watching Monsters Inc. So he was in the zone the whole time. When it came time for her to put some water in his mouth and suck it out she would say, give it a kiss, and it was a long kiss if i do say so my self, but he got all the water out. The end results, GREAT TEETH AND NO CAVITIES!!!!!!!!!

June 4th

Lately I have been hearing about this new water park in South Ogden behind the Ogden Athletic Club. It was finally warm enough for us to go. Our freind Amy, her daughter Hadley and one of the other neighbor kids came and they had a great time. It was a small one, but it was free 99! BONUS. They also had two different play grounds next to it as well, so if they got bored with the water they could play on the playground.

June 5th

I found out in April that they have this bike race for raising awarness for Breast Cancer, it is called the Red Ridding Hood Bike Race. It is up in Wellsville (just before Logan, right out of the canyon). I had every intension of riding in it but guess I didnt finish filling out the entry form the whole way and didnt get in. However my sister in law Amber was able to get in and she loves to ride. She entered to ride the 100 mile race. We stayed the night up in Logan so she wouldnt have to get up too early to be up there. The next morning I took the kids to breakfast and then we hung out in town for a little then went to the park where the race finished at. At the park the kids played for about three hours and they were so good.

It rained all night and into the morning, so the rodes where slick and there was also a very strong head wind. But she totally kicked butt and finished in I believe 6 hours. Great job. The funny thing is is the kids and I were waiting right by the rode to watch her come in and somehow we missed her. So she calls us to ask where we are and we were like well where are you and she said I am done and at the finish line. We are such dorks, I really wanted to cheer her on, oh well maybe next year. Great job Amber!!

One more thing that has been going on around here is our mad rush to get the basement done, or somewhat done. My sister and her family moved back from Nebraska and needed a place to stay until their house sells so they are staying with us. The basement looks awesome! We just need to put the trim up, paint and carpet and it will be done. But that is going to have to wait as we need to save a little bit more money. So we now have a full house, I never thought I would say I have a full house, but we do there is 9 people here. I dont think we are cramped but then I am not sleeping down stairs, so hopefully they are comfortable. Broc sure loves having someone to play with everyday. As soon as her kids are up he gets up and wants to start playing. The other day when we were on our way home from running errands he says, "Mom is my family home for me to play with?" It is so cute! When he says his prayers at night he thanks Heavenly Father for "letting his cousins come to play everyday"

Well that is all that has been going on here. Hope everyone is enjoying the start of their summer and hope everyone is happy and healthy.