Saturday was the Susan G. Koman Race for the cure. I participated in this race last year and was only able to do the one mile walk. This year I was able to do the 5K!
I was also lucky to have two of the most wonderful people come and support and run with me.
My sister Kristin and my sister in law Amber (Pip). Pip came with me last year but Kristin couldn't because she was in Nebraska. It was so nice to have the two of them with me. Pip kicked our but in running but we all made it through the finish line. Kristin made us pink TUTU's to wear, I wasn't sure if Pip would wear it because she really HATES pink but she wasn't above looking silly to support me. My friend Mauri gave me pink spray paint for our hair, mine looked maroon but Kristins was pink. After I got home Broc looked at me and said "mom what did you do to your hair?" We looked very cute and silly and received lots of compliments on them. We were even in the channel 4 news.
I also got some support from my friend Marie Rich, she would have ran with us but she lives in Arizona. I have known her since I was knee high to a grasshopper, she donated in my honor. Thank you so much for your support!
It was an amazing sight to see! Mothers, daughters, sons, husbands, grandparents, people all ages showed up for this race all to support their loved ones. It looked like a sea of pink and white. White shirts were worn by the people who were supporting breast cancer survivors and those who fought the battle and lost. Pink was worn by those were survived breast cancer. I saw old women in their 80's walking this race, I also saw a very young looking woman, younger than myself. I didn't get a chance to talk with her but my heart ached because she looked so very young. I am talking earlier 20's.
I was grateful to be in the presence of such amazing women and their loved ones. To see their determination and drive to beat this terrible disease was truly amazing. It really does take
to beat this and that is achieved by the support and love from our family and friends. Thank you again Kristin and Pip for coming down there with me and hope next year to get more of you to enjoy this amazing event.