August 29, 2009

St. Anthony Sand Dunes

This past weekend we went to the Sand Dunes in Idaho with our freinds Spank & Amy and Dustin and Janette. It was Broc's first time going out to the Dunes. My sister in law let us borrow her Rhino. It didnt go to many places but it was a lot of fun driving it around. Kris took Broc out one time and was trying to go up this big bowl and tipped it over, thankfully no one was hurt just a little scared was all.
Kris went on a couple rides with some freinds and had a great time as usual. Since I sold my bike last year I really didnt have anything to ride. Which was sucked but I really couldnt have gone to far with Broc anyway. So as you can tell from the pics below I did a lot of reading.
Broc also got to ride in our freinds parents sand rail. He had a great time in that and pretty much wanted to stay right there with him because he thought he was so cool.
Up there they have a couple little lakes or ponds, in the afternoon we played in those and that kept us pretty cool.
Since we were "Camping" we decided to borrow our freinds tailor that had a generator with air conditioning in it. It was nice and out of the elements but I still wish I would have had a shower. To get cleaned off I filled up a small bowl and made Broc stand in it and washed him off as best as I could. I mean this is like a bowl that you would put a salad in. Nothing big. With me since I am just a tiny bit smaller than him I just washed off my feet and arms and legs and called it good. I guess I am just not the camping type. Even though I had hardly any hair I sitll felt gross. But it was pretty fun. Lets just say next time I would rather pay for a hotel room, it was probably the same price as the camp site. But you cant beat a camp fire with freinds!
Oh yeah on the way home we got a blown tire on the trailor. But the boys handled it well and we were on our way in a half hour.


Marie said...

Hey my mom told me that your grandma Heartline passed away. So sorry to hear that.

Roscoe and Daisy said...

Looks like fun- I want a side by side but hear they are tippy. I would just go on trails with them no sand dune bowls for me! Good you guys good get away!