December 4, 2009


In-N-Out is finally here in Utah! Granted it isn't very close to my house at all, I drove down to Provo which is about an hour and ten min. drive for me just to have the most delicious cheesburger and fresh cut fries and of course the thickest chocolate shake ever! (that is all a matter of opinion I must add because Kris or his brother dont appreiciate the fine delicate way they put the burger together or their special sauce. They compare it to McDonalds! I know they are nuts huh?)

I was going down to Provo to help my brother in law decorate his new appartment and of course I told him I wouldnt come down unless he took me there! He griped the whole time, wondering why they didnt have FRY SAUCE, HELLO IT IS A CALIFORNIA BUGER JOINT, and why people would stand in line for it, why they didn't have a dollar menu, good stuff isnt cheap Ralph! He also stated "they cant be making any money off this place with all the people they have standing around doing nothing and the cost to run the place." Negitive Nelly I tell ya! Ralph I hope you read this!!!!!!! You will go with me again seeing how you only live a block away! And you will love it enventually!

That cheesburger really hit the spot! Even Broc liked it. Every time we would go to California I would make Kris stop there, and when I went to Disneyland with my sister's we went twice!

My brother in law thought I was crazy because I was taking pics! I had to because I have to take this oppertunity to rub it in my sister's face that I got to eat there! Sorry Tara but it was do yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When you come for a visit we can go!
Oh yeah, the line really wasnt that long, we waited in line for about 5 minutes. The line for the drive through wasn't that bad either compared to what I have heard it has been. To give you an idea of the line for the drive through, they have it wraped around a shopping stip mall and they have In-N-Out workers there directing traffic. And once people got inside they would stand by a table so that when someone was done eating they could sit there, CRAZY

1 comment:

hjofam said...

I don't know about Tara, but I am sooooooooo jealous. Just listening to you describe it all made me hungry. Except not the cheeseburger. Their grilled cheese sandwiches are also very YUMMY!!! We may have to find an excuse to go down that way very soon.