Many of you know that Broc has been working really hard on his Articles of Faith. A month ago we started with number one and he picked it up very quickly. Since then every night we start with number one, and end with what ever number he is on. He is now on number 9! I am so proud of him for having the desire to learn them. If we are in somewhat of a hurry at bed time and try to skip it, he says "Mom but we have to do the Articles of Faith."
Now you are probably thinking wow what a great and smart kid for wanting to know his Articles of Faith, I must confess...when we started it we told him that as soon as he knew all of them we would get him a new DS game. So I think that is his ultimate goal, but he still really wants to know them. Each week when he goes to Primary he tells his teacher he learned another one and away he goes telling them what it is. Another thing that happened in Primary that I was so proud to hear, was they were talking about article of Faith number 5 and they asked if anyone knew it. Of course Broc raised his hand and the leader, not really thinking he would know it said "okay Broc lets hear it, what is it" and he did it all by himself. They were in awe that he could do it and even remember it all by himself. I was such a PROUD mommy.
Anyway if I can get this to work here is Broc telling Articles of Faith 1 through 8.
oh my heck, I am pretty sure that is the cutest thing I have ever seen! He is so smart! I don't even have any of those memorized anymore! I love how he says "transgressions." Sooo cute. I hope you guys are doing good!
Gna just share my views from top to bottom as I see them.
I feel this is a good simply because it’s consistent with how the user is used to seeing the comment form and filling out information in general. Filling out the name and email wont take me much time, and if you really wanted to go ahead and type the comment first, you can do so, not really that big of a work around. I’m .
study abroad
that's awesome! I haven't even thought of that with the boys- good idea! Way to go Broc!
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