April 9, 2008

Easter Egg Hunt

Well this Easter seemed to be a lot more fun then the past. Only because Broc finally got the idea on how to hunt for Easter Eggs. We went up to Grandmas city Easter Egg hunt, they had a seperate part for kids 0-3 which was nice, they just threw a whole bunch of candy on the grass and away they went. At first Broc was a little scared because there were so many kids by him, but once he figured out that the candy was there for him to pick up he went to town. He even tried to take some out of someone else basket. After all the kids pretty much left Broc wanted to go back to the grass and take a closer look to make sure he didnt miss any candy. So Grandpa pulled a few pieces of candy from his pocket and threw them on the ground while he wasnt looking. Broc thought he was pretty cool that he found more once all the kids left. As you can tell as he started finding candy he wanted to eat as he went. We had a wonderful time and cant wait to do it again next year!

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