May 25, 2009

Muddy Mess

This is for those of you who think I never let Broc get dirty. I think this proves otherwise.
Actually I was in the basement painting and could see Broc and our neighbor kid playing, so I just let them play. I went out about an hour later because I wanted to know what was so interesting that would keep them in one spot for so long. This is what I came out and discovered him doing.

Thomas The Train Comes to Town AGAIN!

Time for Thomas! We took Broc to Thomas the Train again this year. I think he had more fun last year.
We took his cousin Gauge with us and they had a good time. They both ended up with water bottles, and of course the ride on the train, and I almost forgot, a tatoto. One mile backwards and one mile forwards. Really a waste of money, but worth every penny because he loved it.

Big Brother

Baby Kennedy

Happy 4th Birthday Broc

Four years ago was one of the happiest days of our lives. Our long awaited little boy came weighing in at 7lbs. 15oz. and 21 inches long.

Now four years later he is 37lbs, and about 39inches tall, with a personalty that cant be matched and a heart of gold.
The day started with his swim lessons, followed by getting things ready to have our families come over for some cake and ice cream.
The day before Kris took Broc to get a big boy bike. His other one (which he loved because it was Thomas) kept getting flat tires and the spokes would pop the tires. So he up-graded and also got a helmet. Now all we have to do it get rid of the training wheels. Soon I hope!
Broc kept telling us and his Nanna he wanted a Kitty just like hers for his birthday, she of course knew we didn't like cats, so instead she bought him some Gold Fish. She had originally purchased 4, by the time she got to the house one had died. That night another one died. By the next morning the other two had died. He was pretty upset about them dying but at the same time enjoyed flushing them down the toilet!
He called her the next day to tell of the tragic event and so of course she went on bought him 5 more. We brought them home stuck them in the tank and the next morning 1 died, by the time we got home from church 2 had died, by the time we finished eating dinner the other two died. We are not good with FISH. I would like to say we are going to give up on fish, however I am going to go back to the pet store and find out all the in's and out's on how to keep Gold Fish alive.

For his birthday he got a pool and slip and slide, Hi Ho Cherry O, dinosaurs, books, Lego's ( a Lego Thomas Train too), clothes, Dinosaurs movie, and a BABY! Now this is a funny story...
About a month ago Broc kept saying he wanted to be a Big Brother. I told him that some day he will be and we were just waiting for Heavenly Father to bless us with a baby. That wasn't good enough. So he called his Grandma Chris and this is how the conversation went...
"Grandma I need a baby sister!"
"Your getting a baby sister??????????"
"No I need one, can you go get me one?"
"Where do I get you one, I don't know where to get you a baby sister, you have to wait till Heavenly Father brings you one."
"Well you can just get one at Wal-Mart, or try Shop-Ko!"
It was a really funny conversation! So for his birthday Grandma bought him a baby sister. A baby A-LIVE. I soon found out that it pees! I took the bottle away and told him not to take the diaper off!!!! But he loves it.
However he really did kind of get a real baby sister for his birthday. His Nanna's daughter Kristin had her baby the day before, and she is beautiful. We went to see her on Saturday night and he calls her his baby sister. He was so gentle with her, and sang her songs when she started to get a little fussy. We all hope to see more of her and as much of her as we can, because really she is so cute!!!
That was pretty much his birthday in a nut shell, he had a great day and we are so blessed to have him as a part of our lives, he is the sweetest little boy with the biggest heart.

Pre-School Graduation

I cant believe the school year is over. Last fall a group of ladies from the neighborhood put a Joy School together for our kids. We had 5 to begin with and about half way through added another kid to our group. Broc really enjoyed it and I am sure will be thrilled to be going to Pre-School next year with most of the same kids.
Friday was the last day of school so we had a little celebration. My friend (one of the mom's) found a cute way to make grad hats, so we made those, and she made yummy home made oreos for the kids. We also had these cupcakes with grad caps on the top. I was going to put them on sticks but got to lazy, so they went on top of cupcakes. The kids loved them, thanks Keri for the wonderful idea. I had each kid walk to the top of the stairs to receive their "Diploma" and then told a little bit about each kid as they walked down the stairs. After that they made little sun visors and then we played some water balloon games. Most of the kids liked it, except one didn't like to really get wet, but she was so cute about it.
We had a great year and I enjoyed getting to know the kids that will be going with Broc to school. I also enjoyed getting to know the wonderful mothers of these kids. They are smart and very creative women and I am grateful to have the chance to get to know them better.

May 15, 2009

A Handful of Pics from Disneyland Trip

Barker Fish Farm

Today we went with Lori and Angela fishing to the fish farm. From the first time Angela and Lori took him last year he has loved to go fishing. This time I got to go with him and it was pretty funny. He loves to throw the line in the water and right before he gets ready to cast you better be at least 5 feet away otherwise you may end up getting hooked. Thankfully Lori and Angela were there to help him put the goop on his line, because I was not going to touch that stuff. He caught several fish but by the time he would reel them in they would be gone, but he did get two that we brought home. We had they fillet them so we could cook them, however Kris and I don't like fish, so we don't really know how to cook it. Broc wanted it for dinner tonight, but I convinced him to have hamburgers and hot dogs instead and we would cook the fish another night, Saved for one more night.

May 12, 2009

16.2 Miles

Yesterday my sister-in-law Amber and I went on a bike ride, not just any bike ride, a 16.2 mile. We rode around Pine View Reservoir. It was a beautiful ride and for me a difficult ride at some points. But I can now say it conviction that I can do just about anything. Thanks Amber for your encouragement and faith in me. Now lets not do it again for at least a month!

May 11, 2009


An Estimated 18,000 people attended the Susan G. Koman race last Saturday. Me along with my sister-in-law were part of that 18,000. When I found out about the whole Breast Cancer thing a group of women told me about this group of women called the Young Survivor Sisters. It is a non-profit organization, more of a support group, that is for women 40 years and younger who need support. I meet the head lady Ginger in Layton and we rode down together. I was so glad she called to see if we could ride together because I got to know her better and she is awesome.

We arrived a little bit earlier so we could get a good parking spot. Around 8 tons of people starting showing up. There were so many people I couldnt believe it. My friend Ginger knew the lady from FM100 so they asked to take a pic with the Young Survivor Sisters group, that was pretty neat. Once the race started Ginger and I stayed back so we could get a pic of all the people from behind, my sister in law ran the 5K and we caught up with her at the end. If any of you know where the Channel 5 building is that is where it started, people were lined up on both sides of the street all the way to the old Childrens Museum. Hopefully my pic's did it justice so you can see.
After the race they had all the Breast Cancer Survivors line up and they did a celebration walk, we all got roses and we walked through the Gateway and up on the steps were they took our pics and released beautiful doves. This was a wonderful day! Hopefully next year I will know about it more in advance so I can get you all to join me. Several people had their support groups with them, ie, family, friends. Next year I hope all of you can join me for this wonderful event. You will be amazed at this group of women who have beaten the odds, and meet seveal people who are walking for those who have lost their battle to Breast Cancer.
Thanks Pip for coming with me, you are the best!

May 7, 2009

Susan G. Koman Race For The Cure, SLC

Hi everyone! So many things have been going on and I have a lot to update on my blog, however that is going to have to wait till Sunday when I have time. Right now I want to tell everyone and also to invite everyone to participate with me in the Susan G. Koman Race for the cure. It is this Saturday morning, here is the outline of the event and what it costs. I thought it was a free race but then how would they raise money for awareness. Duh. Below will give you the details about time, where, and cost. I would love to have anyone there with me who would like to participate. It will be a fun event and I am really looking forward to it. Call me if you are able to make it and we can either car pool or plan on a place to meet.
If you cant make it I completely understand, seeing how it is mother's day this weekend and last minute I completely understand. Thanks everyone for your continuing support and love.

The 13th annual Komen Salt Lake City Race for the Cure will be held on Saturday, May 9, 2009 at The Gateway Mall at South Temple & 400 West in Salt Lake City, Utah.

The 5K (3.1 miles) run and walk and the 1 mile fun run/walk will start at 8:30am at a new start line. Both events will start on 300 W & North Temple heading north, and coming back to end near the Gateway Legacy Fountain.

There will be no timed events this year. A timing clock will be set up at the start and the finish for participants interested in timing themselves.

Please come join us in the fight against breast cancer on Saturday, May 9th!

7:00 am: Race Day Registration
8:15 am: Fitness Warm-Up at the start line
8:30 am: 5K Run/Walk and 1 Mile Fun Walk/Run Start
9:45 am: Awards/Sponsors/Survivor Parade and Recognition

2009 Entry Fees
Registration Fees Online Mail in
Survivor, Senior & Youth* $15 $20
Adult $25 $30
Sleep In for the Cure $30 $35
*Senior (65 & over)

*Youth (4-12)

Day of race fees: $40 (all categories)