May 25, 2009

Pre-School Graduation

I cant believe the school year is over. Last fall a group of ladies from the neighborhood put a Joy School together for our kids. We had 5 to begin with and about half way through added another kid to our group. Broc really enjoyed it and I am sure will be thrilled to be going to Pre-School next year with most of the same kids.
Friday was the last day of school so we had a little celebration. My friend (one of the mom's) found a cute way to make grad hats, so we made those, and she made yummy home made oreos for the kids. We also had these cupcakes with grad caps on the top. I was going to put them on sticks but got to lazy, so they went on top of cupcakes. The kids loved them, thanks Keri for the wonderful idea. I had each kid walk to the top of the stairs to receive their "Diploma" and then told a little bit about each kid as they walked down the stairs. After that they made little sun visors and then we played some water balloon games. Most of the kids liked it, except one didn't like to really get wet, but she was so cute about it.
We had a great year and I enjoyed getting to know the kids that will be going with Broc to school. I also enjoyed getting to know the wonderful mothers of these kids. They are smart and very creative women and I am grateful to have the chance to get to know them better.

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