October 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandma Chris

Grandma Chris's birthday was on Sunday so we invited them down for dinner. I had this grand idea out of a magazine to cook Christmas Chicken. I bought all the stuff and pulled the chicken out that morning, got ready to prepare it and it said the chicken had to sit in this mix over night. I thought great now what am I going to cook. I thought again (SCARY) rolls! I had found another recipe for rolls in this book. So I started making that. Well it said to let it raise for an hour. I waited an hour and it didn't move. So Kris said let it raise during church and cook them when we get home. I get home and still NOTHING, so I threw that away. Apparently the water only needed to be luke warm for the yeast and not boiling hot. THIS IS WHY I DON'T COOK PEOPLE! I had two packages of this pasta stuff in the freezer so I popped that in and we had that. I was hoping to get it into another pan before they came so it looked nice but that didn't work. But then again they shouldn't be surprised. Thankfully Aunt Pip made a cake for Grandma so we sang and blew out candles TWICE. We love you Grandma and think you are an amazing mother, mother in law and of course Grandma. We hope you had a
terrific b-day.

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