October 23, 2008

Park City

Last weekend we had a chance to go to Park City over night. It was a quick trip but was a nice change and we were able to get our minds off things around here and sit back and relax. We went with some friends the Kendricks, we were able to get a two bedroom condo, we went to a place that sounded good in the booklet but once we arrived there and saw it was in a strip mall we should have turned around and went somewhere else. It was okay but the chicken was very dry, needless to say we wish we would have listened to our instincts and went somewhere else. After leaving there we went and walked the old part of town. Mostly because I wanted to get a carmel apple. And boy was it worth it! We walked by the little pizza place on Main and I really could have eaten some pizza but figured since we just ate that wasnt the best idea. But it sure looked better than the place we ate at. When we got back the pool was still opened so we changed and went swimming. It said it was an inside pool, well it kinda was, it was covered for the most part but we had to walk outside to get to it and it was chilly. And of course I didn't have any sandels so I threw on my boots with my swimsuit. I looked so HOT! Amy and I sat in the hot tub while the guys played in the pool with the kids. We swam for about 45 mins then the pool closed, so we ran back to the room, showered and started watching Indiana Jones. The kids feel asleep about 25 mins into the show and Kris was on his way out too. They went to bed and Amy, Spank and I stayed up to watch this dumb show, then talked till about 2.
The next morning we cooked some breakfast and headed on home. I had to get back in time for church because I had to teach one more time (I was released from YW on Sunday and lucky Amy took my place!).
It was a quick weekend but a welcomed break from the everyday things that have been going on. We had a great time with our freinds and the kids were so good. We hope to do it again soon!

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