October 10, 2008

I thought these things were only found on Emails!

Rules: List 6 quirks that you have and then tag 6 other people to list their quirks.
  1. I iron just about everything. Except my underware. I even sometimes iron my sheets.
  2. When I shower I wash my entire body then go back and wash my legs again to shave them. Then wash them again.
  3. I cut my lawn a different way each time I mow and I like the lines to be straight!
  4. Like Kelly I fill up glasses of water and end up leaving them all over the house only to leave rings in the places where I leave them.
  5. Every night when Broc goes to bed we put him in bed then I do stuff till he falls asleep then I go in and check on him, then after I get out of the shower I check him again, then right before I get into bed I check him again. (FREAK!)
  6. Every time I go to Walmart even when Broc isn't with me I still go down the isle where the Thomas stuff is in hopes that they may have a new train. I think I am worse then Broc.

That was kind of hard to think of those. I hope you enjoy my weirdness and now I tag; Jen B, Kristin, Amy, Kim, Aarin and Julie. Enjoy and I will be checking. Thanks Kelly that was fun!

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