November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

Another spooky day gone! This year as many of you know Broc was Thomas the Train. Big Shocker!! He was the cutest little engine. He loved the little blue hat so much that he would wear it just when we would go to the store.
This year we wanted to start early because we knew the many places we wanted to take him to. Well nothing ever goes as planned around here, and we didn't leave till 5:30. We did manage to get a couple of the neighbors in before we left. We first went up to Morgan to see Kris's parents. We sat and visited for a few and then Kris's mom said she wanted to take him next door to trick or treat. 45 mins later they still hadn't returned. So Kris went out looking for them. That is when he got a phone call from his mother and they were a mile or so down the road. She said once they did one house he just wanted to keep going and do the next and the next and the next. After there we went to Lori's house. We knocked and no one answered, so Broc tells Kris "we need to call her dad I have to trick treat her house" so we called and she was at the Home Depot but hurried home. Then we went to Nanna's house. He walked in and wanted to find Kitty to tell her Happy Halloween. We visited there for a bit and Karen brought out a Frankenstien that sang and Broc loved that. He danced and laughed at this thing and kept wanting it to play again.
We finally got home around 9:30. Before I left I put a bowl of candy on the porch since we weren't going to be there. I was suprised to see that there was still a little bit of candy left and my bowl still there. If any of you remember last year I put a bowl out and when we returned all the candy was gone and THE BOWL. I must live in a better neighborhood! LOL. I was hoping we would be back in time to pass out all the candy Broc got so we wouldn't be tempted to eat it all!
I cant believe another year is almost over. I hope everyone enjoyed their Halloween and next year we will be sticking around our house to take him to the neighbors. I said that last year didn't I.

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