December 27, 2008

Merry Christmas

After returning home from my brothers on Christmas Eve, Broc and I made some sugar cookies (they were out of a bag and hard as a rock, surprised?) then put some carrots out for Santa's reindeer. While making the cookies our neighbor called to let us know that Santa was walking around the neighborhood to check to see if all the boys and girls were asleep and if not to have them look out their window to see him. Broc and I went on the front proch and waited...and then he came walking by on the sidewalk jingling his bells. We said hi to him and he said, "Hi Broc, have you been a good boy this year?" Broc just nodded his head and had a big smile on his face. "You make sure you get into bed so I can come back and bring you some presents." Again Broc just nodded his head. It was pretty cute. So we went inside placed the cookies and carrots on the fireplace and tucked him into bed.

On Christmas morning he woke up and came to snuggle in bed with us like he usually does around 7. Kris said "you want to go out and see if Santa brought you come presents?" "Not yet I just want to snuggle for a while." So around 7:30 Kris and I said "okay buddie it is time to get up to see if Santa brought you some presents" so finally he dragged himself out of bed and walked down the hall. Walked, not run but walked. Man I hope he gets more excited when he gets bigger! Of course Santa brought him exactly what he wanted, Hungry Hungry Hippo's and Thomas and the Great Discovery Track, along with some play dough.
After opening we went to my mom's for breakfast and to open more presents. Then after that we went to Kris's parents for more! We had a great time and are so grateful for such loving parents who love our children so much. After Kris's parents we went home to enjoy the evening to ourselves and let Broc play with his presents. We had a wondeful holiday and look forward to another wonderful year.


hjofam said...

Wow Tracy! You are on the ball. All I have done is change my background. I am hoping to get some pictures posted in the next few days. I am so glad that we were able to celebrate Christmas together. It was so much fun. We love you guys.

"THE" fab 5 said...

i really missed being with you guys. thank you for posting pictures so we can see what we missed. I need to put my pics on for you guys to see. love you!!!!

Roscoe and Daisy said...

I am glad everyone had a Merry Christmas. That is so cute of Broc to have carrots for the reindeer. What a healthier way to have treats out. Good to see that you guys are having fun together and enjoying the time spent as a family. I hope to visit you soon. Take care!

Marie said...

Sounds like you had a great Christmas. Having family around and getting to spend time with them is the best part of the whole thing.