December 12, 2008


Finally I went to see the ever so popular Twlight. I went with a couple of girlfriends and my sister in law and we had a great time. We went to dinner first at Iggy's, that was pretty good, the conversation was great.
Then off to the show we went. I was so excited I could hardly stand it. I must say the book is much better of course, however the movie was a little slow but excellant. Out of the five of us that went only two of us read the books, so girls I hope watching this movie put a fire under your behinds so you will read it! You will want to read the books to find out about Jacob and is Bella really ever going to become a vampire???? You must read them before the next movie comes out. So ladies you have at least a year or so to read. SO GET TO IT!!
During the show we had the typical little girls that claped and shouted as soon as Edward came on to the screen or when he would save the day. Along with clapping came the oOOOOOOOOssssssss and AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh. Seriously girls he cant hear you!!! And he isn't real, come on. I couldn't help but laugh though. So for those who havent seen the movie, go watch it, it is pretty darn good for a low budget flim. And for those who haven't read the books, read them they are really good.
Thanks for going ladies I had a great time and can't wait till our next ladies night.


hjofam said...

Tray~ I can't believe that you have already posted about 'Twilight'. You must have really enjoyed it to post so late at night. I must say that watching the movie has really piqued my interest in finishing the 1st book. Thanks for inviting me to go. It was a blast. Later. Cami

Rip Curl Mom said...

I am happy you liked it. I really liked it too. Don't ever say Edward isn't real. I choose to believe;)