October 4, 2009

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Okay everyone, it has been over a year since I had Breast Cancer. It has diffently changed my life in more ways then I can tell you, both for good reasons and bad reasons. I would like to think I have learned a great deal about who I am, what I can be and what I want for my future.
This next week is the Race for the Cure in SLC at Liberty Park. Unfortunately I wont be able to attend as we are taking a much needed vacation. I strongly encourage all to make an effort to attend and show your support for finding a cure for a frightening disease. Below I will attach the website if you want information on that race.
Also I would like to encourage all my family and Friends to perform your regular breast exams. It is very important to stay on top of these things and most of you are too young to get a mammogram so please do your self exam, early detection is the KEY!
I also have some bracelets for those who want one. I will be wearing mine for the month of October and would love to have your continuing support in the fight for Breast Cancer.
I love you all for your support and wish you all well.

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer in Utah!
Saturday, October 10, 2009Liberty Park

Registration begins at 8:00 am - the walk begins at 9:00 am!


1 comment:

Granny/Lynda said...

YOU certainly deserve a vacation. Hope it was great!
I love you and thanks for sharing this past year with me.