July 28, 2008

4th of July

What a busy day that day was. I ran the 5K in the morning and then we went to Kris's families right after that. By the time we got home I was so tried. So I took a little nap and by the time I got up we missed going to some freinds for fireworks, so we light just a couple in our driveway and then I went back to bed.
Broc got a kick out of the fireworks and each time Kris would light them off he would pull his feet up and laugh. When it came time to do the sparklers at first he would just hold them straight out in front of him, but after doing the 5th one he finally started to make big circles with them. What a wonderful day to celebrate our freedom and enjoy our families.

1 comment:

Roscoe and Daisy said...

You took a nap! I am shocked- I think that is the first time I've heard that you've ever taken a nap. I live for naps these days.....lazy! :)