July 28, 2008

Another Trip to the Zoo

A few weeks ago we went to the zoo with Kris's sisters and their kids. We had a great time of course and we had so many kids with us it felt like we had a group of school kids with us. All that was missing was the bus and name tags. But we had a great time. They recently put in a carousel, which all the kids were excited to ride on that. And of course we rode the train and I think we pretty much filled up the whole thing. The kids were able to see the zoo keepers do a few things with the elephants and also with the Tiger. The Tiger part was so neat. I have never seen that before, usually he is sleeping. I was truly amazed at how large this animal was and yet so beautiful. Broc thought he was HUGE!!! I think this trip also was the first time I have ever stayed at the zoo for more than two hours. I felt like we were there all day. But it was so much fun for all the cousins to see all the beautiful animals our Heavenly Father has created for us.

1 comment:

Roscoe and Daisy said...

Fun! We have yet to go to the zoo here- I know pathetic. Its hard when its hot maybe when it cools down a bit we'll go! Looks like fun with the cousins.