July 4, 2008

8 Second Ride

Happy 4th of July to everyone! We are so fortunate to live in this beautiful country that allows us so much freedom. We are so grateful to all the troops and their families for continuing to protect our country allowing our children to grow up in a safe and free country. Thank you for serving our country!

Today we went across town and joined in some of the celebrations over there. They had some blow up slides for the kids to play on and some booths set up as well. Then we saw a mechanical bull. I told Kris to do it but he didnt want to. Later as we passed it again Broc said he wanted to. So of course with Kris not wanting to let his son down paid for him to ride it. If you look below you can view the slide show of him riding it. He had a good time, although I am glad they went really slow I think Broc wanted it to go much faster. It almost looked like it was putting him to sleep. Good job Broc. We may have a bronc rider on our hands!

Happy 4th of July!!!

1 comment:

FidFam said...

yeah for Broc! He looks adorable in gymnastics and on the bull. Way to go, Trac, with the run. I have been wanting to get moving and do a 5K, so next time you're going to run...call me!