October 11, 2008

Strides For Breast Cancer

This morning we woke up early to be in Salt Lake by 8 a.m. for my first Strides for Breast Cancer walk put on by the American Cancer Institute. Kris, Broc, my Mom, Pip, Mom C, Papa, Cole and his friend, Jen and April came to walk with us. It was held at Liberty Park and they had a handful of booths with information and T-shirts and free stuff to give away. My sister in law Pip bought me the shirt you see me in below. While walking around my patient navigator at McKay was down there and gave me this Sash that said Survivor on it along with the cute red hat you see Broc wearing. They had pink light weight draw string backpacks they were giving away too. Some people were walking around with this big board where you can write a message to the people you were supporting.
The race consisted of walking around Liberty Park 3x's. They handed out water, bananas, granola bars, yogurt while you were walking. Pip and my mother in law ran most of it, after the first time around Broc had spotted a play ground, so Kris and his brother took him over there for a little bit, then on the final lap Kris joined my side and finished with me. My mom, Jen and April were by me the whole race.
It was a great experience and one I hope to continue to do each year. Thank you to those who came to support and those who were silent supporters. I hope to see you all again at this next year and continue to raise awareness for breast cancer.

1 comment:

"THE" fab 5 said...

Sounds like you guys had a great time. I am glad you had supporters to go with you. I really wish I could have been there with you. I HATE being so far away. I love you very much!
Love, Kristin