May 9, 2010

Busy Busy

Wow I dont know where to start. So many things have been going on. I will start with my Pride and Joy Broc! He started T-Ball this past week and really likes it. Especially hitting the ball. When I signed him up they asked if we could be coaches and I put only if they were really desperate! Well they must have been because we are coaches. Kris wasnt to thrilled about it but does a great job. Only a couple kids went the wrong way and it is so funny to watch at least 5 kids at the same time tackle the baseball. Over the next month every Tuesday and Thursday evening we will be doing T-Ball, kinda crazy but as long as Broc is enjoying it I am all for it.

On Friday Broc's pre-school had a trip to the fish farm. We have been before with Lori and her daughter Angela so when Broc heard that they were going to the fish farm he was thrilled. Thankfully his Nana was there because I was not about to pull the hook out of that fishes mouth, and usually that is Angela's job.
It took him a couple tries to catch one, as soon as one would nibble he would pull the line out of the water. But when he finally caught one he was excited. Since we dont eat fish he says to Nana " You better take this home to Bart because we dont like fish!" So lucky for her she got a small fish to take home to cook. Thanks Karen for going with us, he was happy you came.

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