May 23, 2008
Discover Gateway
A Day Out with Thomas
Happy Birthday Broc
Thanks for all that came to celebrate his birthday and for all the love you show towards Broc and our family.
May 20, 2008
A little bit of green
I am a big boy!
- He is pretty much potty trained! He has had two acciedents but nothing major. He loves wearing his big boy underware and sometimes calls them "panies". I keep telling him boys wear underware and girls wear "panies". He loves the Thomas the Train ones, and also loves the Diego ones because they have a elephant on the bum. He looks so cute in them too.
- He just got a Thomas the Train bike (with training wheels) for his birthday. At first he would get frustrated because he could only go backwards peddeling which would make the brakes work. But now, man look out! He rides fast and doesnt watch where he is going. Here are a few pics for you to enjoy.
3. We went miniture golfing on Monday with Spencer and Cami and had a blast. It was an 18 hole course and we only did 8 because the kids were too tired to finish and plus it was pretty hot. It was funny watching Broc because if he didnt hit the ball hard enough or far enough he would pick it up and roll it further. It was pretty entertaining to watch. Spencer on the other hand would swing really hard or as hard as he could, most of the time missing the ball unless he consentrated. Lets just say I dont see Broc being a pro golfer! But they were funny to watch. Our little freind Jadie came too and she did pretty good as well. Once we were done golfing we brought the kids back to our house and let them swim. As you can tell after they finished golfing and swimming they were pretty exhusted. Broc and Jadie fell asleep in the recliner. So cute!
This really isnt a big boy thing but I thought I would just share some pics of him playing in the sand box. Remember when we were all kids and we would make a diaper out of sand, well he figured out how to do that and he thinks it is so funny.
May 16, 2008
Hoagle Zoo
After several weeks of planning to go to the zoo, only to have it cancelled due to crappy weather we were finally able to go The weather was beautiful. The sun was shinning with a gentle breeze.
We had a wonderful time, the animals were very interactive. Especially the monkeys.