October 7, 2008

Bike Parachute

This afternoon Broc wanted to ride his bike, so I sat in the garage and watched. A few minutes later he came in the garage grabbed my umbrella. The next thing I saw was my little guy had somehow hooked the umbrella to his bike and rode it around. It looked like a parachute. It was pretty cute.


herberts said...

Oh the things that kids think of, boy especially, my little brothers used to get grocery sacks when it was really windy and they would go out in the middle of the road and fly them up and down the street for hours!!

herberts said...

I think of you all the time, and we keep you in our thoughts and prayers. I can across a quote and it filled my eyes with tears because I immediately thought of YOU! "If the Lord brings you to it. He will bring you through it" I love it and I think that it's something to remember everyday. We aren't always sure why we go through different trials in life but for some reason the lord has a plan for us. And I think that goes for all of us. I look up to you and your strength.