January 15, 2009

Walking with the Dino's

On Wednesday night Kris, Broc, myself and all of Kris's family went to see the exciting show Walking with the Dinosaurs, we took up two full rows! It was one of the coolest things I have seen. Much better than the circus! A man comes out and tells about each Dino and each Jurassic stage and then how they became extinct. The Dino's were huge, and looked very real.
The had a couple Raptors come out and one of them was dead, so the Raptors would try to eat it, so they would start nibbling away and when the Raptors would hear another Dino roar they would turn their heads, well they had the intestines of another Dino hanging out of their mouths so when they turned their heads the stuff flew out of their mouth. The kids thought that was cool, Broc thought they were snakes. They had a Terridackle soaring over head, and Broc called it the flying Jeremy Dino. (Jeremy is a Thomas the Train character that is a plane). It was pretty funny, he also noticed that it had strings hanging from it, pretty smart! At the very end they had the T-Rex come out and the crowd went wild. It really was huge! At first when it would roar Broc would cover his ears, but then would roar back and say he couldn't get him because he was far away. They also had a baby T-Rex and so the momma scared off another Dino and after the other Dino left they nuzzled together, and Broc says, "Ahhh look its his mommy, he loves his mommy." It was really cute.
We had a great time and all the kids were really good. They had their fill of popcorn, licorice and cotton candy thanks to Grandma and Grandpa.
Hope you can see the pics I took. If it comes again next year I would highly recommend you all to take your kids, it is a neat program.

1 comment:

hjofam said...

It looks like so much fun. I can't wait til Saturday when we are taking Ashli and Spencer to go see. Yeah. Glad you guys had fun at it also.