I DID IT!!!!!!
Today I accomplished something I never thought I would do. I ran a 5K race. (If you look closely this pic underneath, I am the one with a pink top) It
felt awesome!! When I woke up this morning I was beyond nervous. Don't ask me why but I certainly was. Kris had given me his sunglasses to wear, I had my Ipod all loaded up with motivating music, I was ready to go. Of course when I got there I was so nervous that I left the sunglasses sitting on the back of my car (thank goodness they were still there when I got back
because they were his nice Oakley's) then I couldn't get my Ipod to turn on (well last night it worked but I guess I ran out of juice on it because it wouldn't work). So I ran the race with no glasses no Ipod just me telling myself to keep going, don't give up and don't walk. I was so proud of myself. And of course to make it even better my loving supportive husband and wonderful
son were at the end cheering me on. Once I crossed the finish line Broc runs up to me and says "You did it mom!" That pretty much brought tears to my eyes.
It was a wonderful experience and I hope to do it again. Just wanted to tell my sister- Kristin- thanks for encouraging me to try it. And also thanks to Kris for keeping me on track and telling me I could do this, Love you
In case you were wondering my time was 31.03 Min's. I thought that was wonderful for my first time running!!!!
This is Pip (a.k.a Amber my sister in law) she ran it with me. She has done this several times and finished with a time around 28. something. Great job PIP!